Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

Salary Increase Request Tricks

As an employee, would come on, want a raise, let alone in the middle of the higher economic crush. But you have to be careful, because this sensitive issue. Before you apply for a raise, try to ask yourself whether you are worthy and deserve to get it.

The main requirement is the situation proposed salary increase that support. You must be sensitive and intelligent look at the appropriate time to request a raise, especially, really understand with the company's financial condition.

If certain the conditions allows companies, there are still a few more things that need attention, There are several best situation to apply, that is, when you recently completed an important task with brilliant results, at the time employer usually be more open. Better still if you include a complete record of contributions and achievements that you've done for the company.

And that is not less important, to know for sure 'selling price' you are, both internally by the standards of the company, or compare it with similar positions in other companies. Well, if the feeling was steady, now is the time getting ready. Make an appointment to meet with employers in particular, it is far better than the direct knock on the door of the room.
Basically, the application of this salary increase is similar to a job interview. That means you should demonstrate the ability and achievements to be 'rewarded'. Indicate your contribution to the company, and include written evidence that exists. Maybe your boss knows your accomplishments, but sometimes he will not remember everything.

In addition to perform, you also need to express your plans forward to help the supervisor, department and organization as a whole. Just consider your current accomplishments are stepping stones to success in the future. In essence, sell them-selves with capital that you have today.

Never give an ultimatum in a meeting to ask for a raise, unless you are ready with all the risks. Open the doors are always compromises. Typically, companies have standards in accordance with the position of its own salary. If this attempt fails, do not despair, and still show your best performance. Maybe next time there's a better chance to submit it again. Similarly, if your request is received, you should further enhance the ability to show that you really deserve a raise.

Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

Healthy While Working

Maybe you never noticed the pattern of life in the office is very harmful. Eight hours of sitting in a chair in front of the computer, for five or six working days, will bring the risk to your health. Sitting for hours makes your eyes so tight and stiff neck muscles. Fat can also accumulate in the abdomen, if you can’t help my-self. You must prevent the bad habits that do not constantly occur.

1. The first step: limit snacks
If your friends have a snack at work desk, remove yourself from temptation, According to the dentist at the American Dietetic Association, if you need to take a shortcut, so you do not often see food. Rest for a moment, take a deep breath, and remove the desire to eat sweet foods. If you're hungry, better to take stock of fruit from home, Healthy and filling.

2. Step two: inadequate water needs
Drink plenty of water, approximately 10 glasses per day. Make a plan so that your intentions were successful. Bring a large bottle of mineral water to the office, spend one bottle until lunchtime, then fill up again and finish at 3 pm, and spent the afternoon at 5 o'clock in the third bottle. If necessary, install an alarm on your cell phone to remind you when to drink, Consumption of water content-rich fruit, like oranges, grapes, melons and apples as an alternative water intake.

3. Step three: do not be lazy motion
Important things you can do to stay healthy and slim is to exercise. Do not have to think about during intense exercise in the office. Try to walk at lunch or pick up the stairs from the elevator. Walking can burn calories, refreshing, and relieve stress.

4. Step four: do not miss lunch
Do not miss your lunch. Watch your meal, not to eat too much and then just sit in a chair all afternoon or should not eat too little until you less nutrient intake.

5. Step five: safety at work
According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Tension Neck Syndrome (TNS) or neck pain, may occur when the muscles of the neck and shoulders, one position for long. This is usually experienced by workers in charge of receiving the phone all day or typing for hours.

To avoid neck pain in the long term, a professor of ergonomics - the study the relationship between humans and machines at Cornell University, suggested that workers should be on duty received a phone call using the speakerphone, a buffer shoulder or use a headset when you receive the phone.

6. Step six: set distance with a computer
Eye strain from too long a matter of sitting in front of the computer, According to experts from the University of California, this causes headaches, difficulty focusing, and increased sensitivity to light. If you can’t read the writing on your computer screen from a distance, it's better to enlarge the size of the letter.

7. Step seven: on vacation
Vacation is very useful to relieve themselves from the bustle, and help fill your energy back. Holidays are also useful for reducing stress, especially if you have a conflict with a boss, colleague or project you are doing. Stress can affect health, weakens the immune system and increase the risk of illness.

8. Step eight: do not delay the task office
Do not buy time job, so you must complete the work that piled up. According to the president of Business Psychology Consulting, who tend to finish all the tasks as an individual, his health is also vulnerable disrupted. The hard worker just realized when you experience stress in a high level, which affects their relationships and moods. Such stress is caused by conditions that are too tired. Fatigue can also affect the immune system of a person, sleep disturbances and disrupt concentration.

9. The ninth step: keep the cleanliness of facilities in the office
Alert to office equipment. Keyboard, mouse and you've used the phone could be a nest of thousands of germs. Science Daily, researchers at the 100th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology reported that the virus can survive for hours to days on rough surfaces. Rotavirus causes diarrhea, usually located on the surface of the receiver. National Consumers League recommends to always clean the office equipment with anti-bacterial cleanser.

10. Step ten: stretching on the sidelines working
The most important step to maintain health in the workplace is a self-awareness to rest. Your body has a 'alarm' when the body is exhausted. Snacks you work with light stretching or massage that can prevent muscle stiffness.

Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

40 Hour Week Enough to Work

In the world of work today, work is more oriented to results, not process. Companies will only see the results of the work, without considering how to achieve them.

This could mean either, if you are able to organize time to achieve maximum results. But if you are not able to manage time, you are precisely who will be drawn into that job without being able to escape. In fact, you might spend almost all your time to work. From now on, arrange your working time. Laura Stack, a trainer in the field effectiveness of the work, provides some important points.

1. There is never enough time to complete the whole job
The more you try hard to solve, will be growing a lot just the job. And, when you feel tired, and frustrated, instead quality declined the job. This means, it would take even more time to fix it. So, appreciate yourself by limiting the working time.

2. Do it all in eight hours
The term usually workaholics tend to be associated with the number of hours worked, not from the results of his work. So, no need to force my-self overtime every day just to get such recognition, useless, better focus to improve productivity by improving its effectiveness. You definitely do not want, instead, is appreciated for who you are most comfortable in the office, and not because of accomplishments.

3. Leaving early
Perhaps most workers choose depart as scheduled, and came home a little late to get attention from the boss. Yes, assuming it was not far wrong. But, have you ever thought about another alternative, namely to leave early, and go home earlier than others to avoid congestion on the highway when everyone got home from work?

It would be better for you. Faster start working, you can be more focused. And you still have time in the afternoon to just relax, spend time with family, or do other work. To avoid gossip office colleagues, make sure they know that you've started working when they were probably still asleep or are traveling through the congestion. And, show that the results of your work better with earlier work.

4. Home on time
Make sure you comply with the deadlines that you set yourself. When did you decide to leave the office at three in the afternoon, always try to keep them. Once you breach, you will more easily break them again next time.

5. Inform colleagues
When did you set the working hours are not the same with my colleagues the other, make sure they know. This is important, to avoid the possibility that they need your help when you are preparing to go home.

6. Give the limits of tolerance
All assessments that didn’t mean you should run it rigid. It's just a matter of building a habit. If indeed there is important work to be done that day, there's nothing wrong occasionally tolerate one or two hours more. But remember, do not even habit.

Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

Career Bullies

Not all co-workers in the office fun and can be invited to cooperate. There are some among them are often annoying and makes the work still not finished. Perhaps, some of whom are near you.

Robert Cava, in his book dealing with Difficult People discussed and give tips on how to get along with people like that.

1. The Magician
Like a magician, he is able to "disappear" quickly now know there will be duty nearby. Whether it was late one hour or even leave his desk without notice. As a result, you will have to work extra to complete the task. Faced with such people, you do have to be patient. Slowly, describe at length the existing problems following your feelings, then invite him to find a solution together.

2. The Ball Thrower
Like basketball players, this one is good at throwing error to others. He has also always refused to perform the duties which he said is not included in his job description.
Face it, you have to be firm. First, check your own job desk to ensure the work he left behind not including your job. If it proves not, remind your boss about the situation and ask for advice from him.

3. Procrastinators
Colleagues, who liked to postpone the work would make it difficult to complete the task, especially when he was a post with your job. Faced with the delay, get used to remind him of the deadline, since the far-distant days, until one day in advance. If this method is not powerful enough, just submit your report on time - with or without part of her job. Write down, "Information is not available from the department of A".

4. The Thirst Competition
Competition is necessary, but not excessive. Type competitors really like to compete. He treats everything as a competition that ultimately makes you feel disturbed. So you are not bothered, be normal and not have to respond to his invitation to compete.

5. The Critic
Whatever can never escape the criticism spiciness, even trivial things and personal though, even if critics were concerned about jobs, guaranteed not constructive criticism you get.

Faced with such people, respond with calm and just say that what he says may be true, but do not give further responses. At least, this will stop gossiping.

6. Man Interruption
Now, if this one is that they can come to your table of ten times a day just to interrupt your work and told me about her date last night with his girlfriend. No need to angry or upset. If you just want to talk alone, ask her to come back during lunch hour.

Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

Application Letter of Enchanting

Administrative requirements are the first door that you must pass to get a job. For that, a letter of application should be made as good a job as possible, so that can really represent your quality. There are a few tips on applying for jobs:

1. Please apply jobs that interest you and in accordance with qualifications.

2. Make a personalized cover letter that impressed, especially for companies in question. Do not create a cover letter that has been formatted by default or outright copying of books.

3. Keep the letter short, factual, and interesting, with clear language. Make sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors. If there are corrections, preferably typed and reprint it. And that is not less important, addressed a letter to someone specific.

4. Write a cover letter short and concise, one page maximum. And do not forget, include a resume or curriculum vitae (CV), which gives a positive impression about you.

5. CV should give details about educational background, skills you have, work experience (full-time, part-time, or freelancers who provide you with a specific competence to do a job), activities (organization, society, sports) and achievement (at school or outside school) that you never achieve.
Characteristics of good CV is written with a neat, simple, honest and accurate. Arrange well in order to deliver information looks interesting and easy to read, for example, by giving the distance (margin) on all sides of your CV by 1 inch. This makes the whites of your CV looks attractive, clean, and easy to read and to provide more places for prospective employers to put the record straight there.

6. Read and re-check your application letter and CV. Make sure that there are no typographical errors, grammar, language that is repeated, the less neat layout, or other errors. A spelling mistake in it could cause you to lose an important opportunity to get a job.
7. You can also read literature that is available in bookstores.

Selasa, 24 November 2009

Overcome Pain Lazy Build Network

Building a business network tantamount to living a healthy lifestyle, we know very well benefit, but so difficult to move to get there. Yes, everyone has experienced moments of feeling very lazy and reluctant to attend an important business meeting which will be very beneficial for the company. Especially if that day has passed with a weight. Nothing wrong with it, the occasional self-indulgence, curled up on the couch watching your favorite drama series after going through a difficult day. But do not be complacent with missed some important business meeting, because if you missed just three or four meetings in a month, you will be eroded stream and soon disappeared from circulation.

To get around the reluctance, the first thing to do is to build awareness of the importance of the meeting for the development of your business. When awareness is already there, now just follow the 5 simple tips to boost your spirits.

1. Rushed
Do not think of all sorts, as more and thought, the more it becomes a burden. If you leave any half-heartedly, just take it as a venue for business meetings to spend time. When you meet and chat with new people or old acquaintances in the place, you will realize how quickly time passes.

2. Invite a friend
When you feel lazy to go alone, take someone you know to accompany. Invite an old friend, so you can stay 'safe' with someone who has you know, as well as to reestablish the relationship that may have been somewhat neglected. Networking does not always mean meeting new people, but also maintain cooperative relations.

3. Home early
If indeed you can’t enjoy the meeting, it never hurts to leave early. Do not push yourself too.

4. Chill out
Do not bother with setting specific targets before leaving for a business meeting. Do not expect this time you will find new business partners who will help you develop your business, or someone who offers an interesting project. Just enjoy the atmosphere that exists. And, perhaps you will be surprised with the results achieved when no target was set too.

Kamis, 12 November 2009

Women in the World Men

It’s can’t be denied, most women are still struggling and a career in the 'world' man. Adam domination this is a challenge, especially when they have to compete in the workplace. Are you also are in this situation?

From one side, there are things women are more profitable when working among the men. Usually, as a woman you will receive priority in matters of concern. They will understand if you can’t do heavy work that relies on physical, such as lifting a computer, install the cable, and others. But you need to watch out, basically the man felt to have greater rights to get a better career achievements of women.

Men are very understanding of how to achieve higher positions than women. They also knew how to beat women. Indeed, culturally, character, style and ability between men and women were clearly different. There are several things that cause men ahead of women, regardless of physical affairs. For example, they are more rational and realistic, more competitive, more courageous, more initiative, and more aggressive. Condition is very possible they are more superior than women.

But that does not mean women should always lose to men. As women living in the era of sophisticated technology today, you are more free to fix its position and pursue a career high. However, as any woman you still have to be careful! So, if you want to be successful working among the men, you must abide by this unwritten rule:

1. Do not attract attention as a cheap
Physically, she was attractive. But it would be more attractive if coupled with an extensive intelligence and insights. This is important for achieving success in your field.
Stop attract bosses and colleagues in ways cheap and negative, for example, by wearing mini-skirts and super tight, super-thick makeup, and talking too spoiled or sigh, because if you succeed, you will be accused of using 'attractiveness' to you.

2. Stop complaining
The men do not like listening to a variety of complaints from women's mouths. For them, it is just a waste of time. So, do not ever complain. You must be clever to express problems without complaining tone. Remember, the men prefer to discuss the problem while searching for a solution rather than just complaining about it.

3. Do not make rumors
Although identical to the hobby of women in rumors, but do not make yourself as a figure of gossip among them. Do not convey information that is not obvious truth. And do not talk about negative things about the A or the B. Do not let you distribute information that affects the stability in the office. If you do, reputation and your credibility will be destroyed.

4. Do not cry
Do not even when you cry in front of men, any heavy your problem. Your cries in the office will not touch their hearts, instead will make you look sloppy, not strong mentally, and not professional.

5. Show surplus
Show your strengths, of course not a physical advantage, but the advantages in terms of performance. Take advantage of the excess of women as more thorough, diligent and industrious in their work. Do not hesitate to express great ideas you have on the boss. And do not be afraid to exploit all your potential.

6. Ravine unite Separator
In the world of work dominated by men, many women have difficulties to express opinions in public, the difficulty get awards for their ideas, and difficulties in discussing controversial topics.

But now, women have proven that they can express themselves and socialize. Many of the women who opened up in the wider community as a teacher, judges, managers, members of legislative bodies in the government, and many others. That is proof that women can express themselves, as well as men.

Self-awareness must be emphasized, with the 'courage' someone will look feminine in communicating with the spoken words, clever organization and can show your identity. When you want advice and ideas accepted, you can make it happen with a concrete example. Do not make gender differences as relievers, because you can ignore them with good communication techniques in a friendly environment.

In essence, you must appear as a strong figure, intelligent and dignified in the presence of men. If you consistently adhere to these unwritten rules, you can compete at the same time cooperate with them without a hitch. You will avoid any action that smelled of harassment.

Rabu, 11 November 2009

Permit Right Reasons not to work temporarily due to Illness

When you wake in the morning with dazed eyes, body limp and fever, must have had dawned in the mind to take permission from work because of illness. But sometimes you also feel free to stay home and rest, because it could be, the symptoms will disappear as soon as you arrive at the workplace.

Taking the decision to rest at home or leave for work and equipment is not trivial. You need to consider a few things so that no one made a decision. Here are some common things to be the best reason for taking leave.

1. You are endangering other people
The first thing you should ask yourself is, if the disease does not just make yourself comfortable, or to be harmful to others? Take for example, your ears are ringing and disturbing the hearing. This phenomenon is not really a big problem if you only work at the computer and not in touch with many people, a writer for example. But that hearing problems can be fatal if you work as a pilot or driver, who must always focus on and listen to the situation that exists for the safety of passengers.

When you just sneezing and watery eyes and hold without any other complaints such as fever, maybe it was just symptoms of allergies. Do not pamper yourself, simply provide a tissue and went to work.

2. You communicable diseases
If you suffer from infectious diseases, flu-like, it's better just rest at home. But sometimes, you do not realize that you are infected with the virus until you are a runny nose and sneezing uncontrollably, though, the flu virus is spread when the first incubation period.

Not a big problem when your work space separate from other colleagues. But if you work in a hospital, or jobs that require a lot of contact with children or elderly, it is better to ask leave immediately if you feel your body is problematic.

When the body is feeling more comfortable, although the complaints have not really lost, you better get to the office. But make sure you do not transmit the virus to others is minimized by avoiding physical contact and do not use the stuff together.

3. Can’t be productive
When you just come to work to simply filling presence, forget it, especially if you caused pain unfocused it could make the team work becomes damaged. Better get some rest. But do not necessarily easy to ask leave of absence for health reasons, because it will hurt yourself, Many companies who only tolerates only three days of sick leave within a year.

Selasa, 03 November 2009

10 Mistakes Women

Look, how many women in top corporate positions. Not as much as men. Though you certainly believe that, the ability of women no less than them, but why only slightly women can dash her career.

In careers, women often underestimate their own abilities. This is done unconsciously, but very self-defeating. Try carefully, if you're one person who likes to sabotage a career that you wake up? Check out some mistakes that could hamper his career.

A. Too low a standard peg
Often women set the standards too low, so that eventually hurt your-self, because of lack of confidence, even with excellent working ability was, often women put themselves too low. So start digging ability and believe in that you can afford.

1. Reluctant to ask for assistance
Women are the creatures most like to ask for help. When the wrong way for instance, women will continue to ask anyone they meet, while men prefer to try to find their own path. But that did not apply in your career, women tend to be silent than men.

When women are looking for work, they prefer silence, trying to go it without asking help from others. While the men even more pleased to tell everyone that they're looking for a job. If you really need, there's no harm in asking for help, provided it does not too often and become addicted.

2. Forget to include the excess
Often the women did not explain clearly their ability to field their respective fields. While men often exaggerate precisely the actual capabilities they control only a little. Remember, showing your strengths does not mean arrogance, but rather can provide more value to you.

3. Pessimist
The weather is often not optimally learn something, when you find it difficult in the middle of the journey, they tend to give up and quit trying, while the men more energetic and almost always say "yes, we can" Yet he also same experience difficulty. Optimism is important, to give the spirit of doing things.

4. Passive
Selecting a phone call than to call ahead only applies to non-professional relationship. Waiting asked out a guy is good, but when you're applying for a job or are targeting a new client, there's no harm in being more aggressive with the call first, just to see the next developments. It also shows how much passion and your interest in the field of work.

B. Become the 'superman' during an interview
Sometimes being too eager, we do things too much during an interview. It is true, at the time of the interview, the interviewer wants to know as much as possible about yourself. But you still should clearly express your desire and ability on the job you're interested in it, do not over-explain that have nothing to do with work.

C. Hesitate to negotiate
Of course, companies that currently have an opening benchmark salaries and budget for new employees. But it remains open the possibility for you to bid on your desired salary. Almost no company abruptly canceled the job offer simply because prospective employees ask for higher salary than offered.

D. Not exploit the opportunity
If you end up not getting the job, while you really want to work for a company or project, it could not hurt to ask the opportunity to work unpaid internships alias. You should take advantage of this opportunity to demonstrate the ability and talents you have. This way, you'll be better considered when the next vacancy.

E. Not knowing the reason
If it fails to accept the job, you should call and find out the cause of your failures. It is important to know the advantages and disadvantages you, so they can better prepare yourself if one day following the admission testing at another company. So, every time after the interview, ask or to tell the interviewer whether you may know the reason for your failure.

F. Fear of repeating the failure of
Many of the women who often feel devastated when failed to undergo an interview, even fear restart. Though, if willing to learn, failure will hone your skills for tests to come to work. Do not constantly feeling sorry for them-selves. If you feel you're doing the best, tell yourself that you're doing the best.

Senin, 02 November 2009

Coping Tips Tired Eyes at Work

While working, your eyes can not blink as often as when doing other activities, so that the eyes tend to dry. Also, when the eyes should be staring at a computer screen for long periods, eye movements tend to be static, not much moved, causing eye fatigue.

To reduce tension on the muscles around the eyes and reduce fatigue, do eye exercises how easy movement and can direct you practice this.
- Open your eyes wide open.
- Without turning, eye glance toward the right and left, each for one second.
- Eye glance toward the upper right, then bottom left, each for one second.
- Eye glance toward the upper left, then bottom right, each for one second.
- Eye glance straight up, then straight down, as well as one each second.
Do the opposite direction, starting from the right direction. Repeat until eyes feel fresh again, and you're ready to return 'stare' with the computer.

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009

Salary Negotiation

Before deciding to sign an employment contract, salary negotiation process is the most decisive moment to be able to get a salary according to expectations. Although there are standard benchmarks in the company payroll, you have very clever to get the best deal.

There are some things you need to consider when negotiating salary.
1. Find out the standard corporate salaries
Before you mention the number of digits, used to investigate how the standard salary in the company. It is feared that if you do not know, you could just mention the number far below the company standard, so you'll be sorry because there are other colleagues who compared your salary even the most minor. Conversely, if you set a salary well above the company's standards, it is feared the company could not fulfill your demands and eventually you may not be accepted as an employee.

2. Knowing 'selling' themselves
Origin of determining salaries without knowing how your quality is actually a big mistake, if your quality is mediocre but you set a good salary, certainly does not fit. Vice versa, so you are not wrong 'set price', know the quality and abilities.

3. Display a professional image appropriate salary
With the amount of salary figures you mentioned, you should also look smart and professional, Improvised performances and discussions that do not necessarily doubt weighing the employer to give you a big salary.

4. Salaries can be negotiated
Decision of the amount of salary is agreement between both parties, although there are certain limits established by the company.

5. Do not negotiate salary over the phone
This is foolishness. In addition unprofessional, negotiate salary was also impressed by telephone is very rude, So, if the company contacting you by telephone to discuss salaries, resist. Tell them that you will come directly to talk about it, in order to avoid misunderstandings that might occur on the telephone.

Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009

Prepare Them-selves in facing the Global Crisis

Crisis and the global recession that is now sweeping the United States and increasingly spread to all parts of the world, to make anyone nervous, The crisis that started with the collapse of Lehman Brothers, which had stood since 1850 provides a valuable lesson that no one company that really safe and can secure a career for their employees.

This situation is similar to the monetary crisis that has ever happened in some Asian Region a few years ago, which led many companies to go bankrupt and terminate the employment (FLE) or laying off employees. As an employee, you need to understand what types of employees the first time will be sacrificed, to be more on guard.

Employees who contribute at least and that did not show a good performance, No matter how many years he had worked, would be removed first. Loyalty to the company without a good performance there will be no price. Company will respect and if possible will surely retain employees who have good work performance and achievement.

Therefore, try to be a loyal employee to the profession and achievements, which are not complacent in the comfort zone after he was appointed as permanent employees.

A professional who is loyal to the profession and work performance are continuously working hard since the first day of work until his last day, He also continues to sharpen and deepen their knowledge and skills in the field, so keep the "selling power" both in the company they worked or in any other company.

Employees of this type, even if eventually laid off, will not be too much trouble finding new jobs. Especially when during the work, she diligently to develop networking and always stay close to sources of information about career opportunities. Do not ever hesitate to try new opportunities that promise, but of course, with fixed consider it logically.

Kamis, 08 Oktober 2009

Why Must Love Me to Work Together?

Love can grow anywhere, including in the workplace. Especially for singles who spend most of his time in office. Love story too, no need to stay away from work place. Nothing wrong indeed, fancy work together, But you must be careful not to hamper or even destroy the romance a career that never was built with ease.

There are good and bad side if you are involved in romance at the office. Well, you do not have to bother with the time to meet with him, because every day, you can see her in the workplace. In addition, you become more familiar with their activities.

However, if you can’t maintain relationships, romance in the workplace will only hinder you, especially if you're feeling too comfortable with them, so you no longer want to associate with other colleagues. This will allow you both to squirt and do not know the development office. Your friends will stay away.

Or, if you decide not to cover them-selves, a sense of jealousy may arise. When he did not have lunch with you, and spend time with his friends, jealousy is definitely there, have different levels in different people. Should be recognized sooner or later more relationships with colleagues will influence the working atmosphere. You may no longer feel part of one big team, but a small team with a lover. This certainly affects work productivity and professionalism.

Consider your level of position two. If he was your boss, think about it before deciding to date him. Going out with the boss would sparked envy from other colleagues. Consequently, you should be ready to work hard to prove the skill and professionalism in order not to be accused as the golden boy and he was accused of favoritism. He will also feel the dilemma if one day, he must notify that you got fired, for example.

If she and you are on my level, career competition could also lead to conflict in relationships. Are you ready to compete with your spouse? Or he's ready to see you rise to the top of it faster?

Relationships at work is not easy, therefore, many companies prohibit the marriage of the employee. This also should be a consideration both of you, especially if you and he already have a coveted position in the company now.

Conversely, if your relationship does not run smoothly, try to remain professional. Do not do anything that you regret later, like crying at the office or to tell everyone about ugliness.

Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009

Angry? Leave your job for a moment

Tight work deadlines, high demands, plus a compact group that did not work, huh, a splitter with anger, when you have this, sooner rather than complete, even endless finished job. Most people will choose it harbored anger, and forced himself to continue the work and tasks. However, this does not exactly in reality, because when you hold on to anger, any action or decision you make is often inaccurate.

There is also a direct 'explode "because of his anger, and blame on every person met. Clearly, this is much worse than the first reaction. Anger is the reaction of the body that is triggered by frustration, hurt, or worry. As anger mounted, the body will feel the stress, heart rate increased to 120-150 beats a minute, the blood from the front of the brain, which is central to logic, flowing down to protect the heart. This is what causes us less logical when struck by anger. You must have experienced, the decision or word you say when angry, then produced back in the days of regret.

If you feel that 'blood is boiling', try to control yourself not to speak or make important decisions. Instead, calm yourself first. If necessary, get out for one to two hours of every business. Is not that name to avoid responsibility? Of course not, because you committed will be back after a specified time, when you say two hours, it must be kept. Unlike when you leave your job just like that without any confirmation. Evade while to calm down much more effectively than force myself to continue the work but has not been maximized.

Then, why should be one to two hours? Is not that too long? Again, no. It takes ninety-five minutes to restore blood flow to the brain center of logic and normalize the heartbeat, so you can act normally and not be careless.

Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009

Carefully Choosing Your E-mail to Employment Affairs

Your job application letter has rejection? Most people would've been there, Maybe you're wondering, what is the cause of rejection, when you feel you meet all the qualifications. Have you ever imagined, it turns out the cause of failure because you are only an email address that sounded 'weird'?

So large a role the e-mail address to be able to determine whether or not received your cover letter? Yes, e-mail address is very influential, because it shows who you are. Therefore, be careful choosing a name. Do not use strange names like Name that will shape your impression of people who were categorized as sensational, so not suitable for certain positions in the company you want.

Manager's position for example required someone with strong leadership traits. HRD might think a thousand times for your vote, if the resume listed an e-mail address

In the field of creative industries, e-mail address is also decisive. Suppose you apply for talent management for example, never include your email address It makes the artist for which you apply to antipathy.
If you think that it is not fair, because the judge something from the outside, you're wrong. Everything is always assessed from the outside. You have no doubt well aware, the appearance should be neat when applying for work, because it will affect the assessment. Well, same thing applies with your e-mail address.

Then, how should the email addresses created? For professional goals, create an e-mail address that sounded official. Many companies prefer a basic email address that shows your real name, For example, If you are feel unsure, ask for opinions from your friends.

After working for some time, and your boss know your capacity, may just show your real character full of humor. It will not affect the assessment against your boss. However, before reaching that state, try to "play safe".

Sabtu, 19 September 2009

Choose Your Career!

Choosing a career was not as easy as selecting the goods you want to buy. So do not regret later, his career should be decided carefully. What should be noted?

1. Know the advantages and disadvantages of self
Your self-evaluation, identify the positives and negatives. Consider what areas you like and do not, the work environment you like, and goals to be achieved. After finding this question, you'll understand, what a suitable job capability.

2. Choose a suitable career needs
Until now, money is still the main consideration in choosing a career. So decide how much income you need to satisfy all needs. This measure will assist you in determining career choices, if you want big salaries, difficult to choose a profession that idealists like a scientist or a teacher.

3. Observe that developed land
Follow the career development of various media, including a promising job opportunities. Consider what the appropriate field of expertise and your educational background. Do not forget to observe the odds in the future.

4. An expert on consultation
If you still have problems deciding a career, discuss with people who are competent in their field. If necessary, consult their interests, talents and your goals with career experts. You can also discuss this issue with family, friends, or professors. They can provide suggestions and advice on the appropriate field with you. Facilitate the development of advanced media that you are looking for similar data on the internet.

5. Drill dream company
Do not be ashamed to go to a company you want. Better yet, you're trying to get to know who work in the fields you want. Thus you can get information if there is a vacancy. If you were in college, try for the internship or apprenticeship in the firm.

6. Consistent with the choice
Need consistency to achieve success in your career, if you want to be a writer, then learn and pursue field. Remember, consistency will help you to achieve your goals. Never despair. Your persistence will bear fruit sweetness.

7. Do not be afraid to be Psyllid
Do not be afraid to over career. Although you are consistent with the career you choose, do not cover possible if a time switch careers. In undergoing a career, just maybe there is one event that caused you to 'swerved', for example due to economic conditions, changes in vision and personal view, or because you do not get satisfaction from the previous chosen career. If you encounter such a situation, be it over the profession, but certainly there are risks associated with your decision. Even you must pioneering career from scratch again.

Rabu, 16 September 2009

Choosing Work Personality Match

Work will be more fun if you feel like doing, because according to the desires and personality. Work will be lighter and easier, and better results will be maximal.

If you are a free-spirited, loves adventure, loves to see things and new people, and get bored easily, then you must work in an environment that is free, which does not specify the working hours of regular and routine.

Although outside the office with no fixed working hours, 8-5 hours, does not mean you can work barge. You are free to determine their own working hours, but must be responsible for the results of your work. And if the work relating to other people, you also must be able to pay attention to their interests, so that cooperation can work well. Kind of a suitable job for free personal like this in between, the steering force, choreographers, hair stylists, interior design, graphic design, chef, craftsman, publisher, musician, actress and entrepreneur.

You who are traditionalists, by contrast, likes regular work routine and versatile. The work detail and in accordance with the schedule, task-oriented, straight-line rules will make you feel comfortable. Therefore, you are very suitable to work in the field of management. Your strength lies in patience in working on all the details to finish, according to the procedure. If you belong to this category, you are fit to work at companies that have determined the structure of tasks, jobs, and a clear career path. Your job is ideal for office or business managers, administrative assistants, accountants, laboratory technicians, librarians, paralegals or legal officer.

An idealist more concerned with a conducive working atmosphere and pleasant instead of just chasing the material alone, usually you are interested in a job that allows you to do something useful for others. Your strength is being able to invite others to cooperate. You are an idealist, suitable to work in a harmonious working environment. Your ideal jobs are teachers, counselors, psychologists, nutritionists, therapists and social workers.

If you are a drafter, the inventor's ideas, creatively, you will not be fit to work in static work environment. Instead, you prefer to work independently. You need a special place in order to focus on realizing your great ideas. Your strength is having the vision to assess problems and find new ways and efficient in getting things done. Ideal working environment for you is a think tank where you can throw your ideas. Architects, professors, construction project manager, politicians, urban planners are a suitable alternative employment for the drafter.

Minggu, 13 September 2009

Choosing work that you Love

How lucky if you managed to find a job that is fun, that makes you really excited, not just leave, get the job done as quickly as possible, then go home and wait on payday.

Not easy to find a job that really fits and suits you, therefore, you have to plan early. If you want to find a job you enjoy, you should really understand what you really enjoy, making them easier to choose the field of work.

There are some people who already knew from the beginning exactly what he wanted, so he did not know of the option, and adjust the level of education is taken. But unfortunately, many among us who even now are still puzzled look.
If you're still confused what exactly the job you want, you should select the fields that most interest you. Still confused as well? There are three basic options: ideas, people and goods.

1. Idea
When you include people who are curious, creative, likes to explore new ideas, then the field work that will make you comfortable is a job that tends to analytical. Science, medicine, fields such as creative writing and artistic interior design, could be an option.

2. Person
You are a sociable and adaptable, likes to meet new people, loves to explore new places, and social-minded, then you will not feel at home working only in a room facing the computer and paper. Work area where you can choose a job that lets you meet more people, every day. Type suitable job include counseling, marketing, politics, teaching.

3. Object
You are an orderly, neat and like to do things in a planned manner. When this type, you will feel at home working in the field that demands a focus on one area, and require precision and must comply with the system. Mechanics, agriculture, computers, the librarian, financial analysts, all types of work that demands precision, and not much interaction with others, are some options for you.

Then, what if we match more than two categories? Like regularity, but also easy to get along with others. Well, if so, you have to adjust again the interest and talent. There’s some job that allows two things happens, for example, a bank teller. This job requires accuracy, as well as your ability to interact with others, likewise, the architect. This work requires creative and high level of accuracy.

Another way to gauge your chances of enjoying the job or not, try to match your interests with people who work in a particular field, because usually some people who working in a field tend to have the same hobby.

Sabtu, 12 September 2009

Business Banquet

Lunch or dinner with business partners has long been a choice for the businessmen. In addition to improving personal relationships, banquets or just drinking coffee with this can facilitate business. Maybe this seems simple, but if you do not pay attention to ethics, can-can meal you do not effective.

There are several things to consider if you invite or be invited in a business meal. First, come on time. Once you are on time, it will be difficult to expect better business relationships, because professionals usually have a pretty solid schedule. Timeliness is also shown professionalism.

If you are invited, and wanted to make a business meal at home or the office, you should find out about the appetite to know your colleagues. Pair with a dish of your liking. Do not until you can’t enjoy fine dining in the banquet.

If you choose to dine with colleagues in a restaurant, choose one that gives comfort with good service quality. Arrive 10 minutes earlier than the time allowed to find colleagues do not feel confused. Offer a colleague to book in advance, Can also recommend 'favorite menu' at the restaurant.

Do a little preamble before you start talking about business. You can ask for hobbies, sports or other minor problems, But not for too long chitchat, since the main purpose is to discuss the business meal business.

If you invite more than one business associate, for the portion of the conversation to all colleagues, do not let anyone feel neglected.

Consider ethics of dining. Eat and drink as needed, do not be excessive, although the dishes are available very tempting. And most important, the banquet cost is borne entirely by the company in.

Sabtu, 05 September 2009

More Productive Work at Home

Did not have to work at the office, working at home is increasingly an option, especially among women who had become mothers. Not wanting to leave the family, but didn’t want to be just a housewife 'normal'.

Overview imaginable, so if you can work comfortably at home, We are free to determine their own working hours, no need to wear formal suits, no fussy and demanding boss who target all sorts. However, if you too feel comfortable, it will destroy the 'career' you're at home. For various reasons, you arbitrarily change the working hours or even delay the job. Also if you have trouble dividing time and energy in two kinds of jobs, while there are no clear rules.

But do not always pessimistic. As long as you are consistent, any business at home can be very effective.

1. Have their owned workspace
You have to set aside one room in the house as a personal workspace. If your house is too narrow, simply provide one corner of the house. This work space is important, so you can focus more on doing all the work without any interference from anyone.

2. Determine business hours
Doing two jobs is not easy, therefore you need good time management. And, most importantly, you must be consistent with arrangements already made.

3. Hire someone else
If you do need help, not hurt to hire someone to do the job that you can’t resolve yourself. Do not think you can do it yourself. Delegate the tasks of a technical nature such as to take the goods, receive calls, or administration. Just focus your mind to continue to develop the brilliant ideas.

4. Take advantage of technology
Do not just rely on your phone or mobile home. If necessary, install a fax machine and internet network to ensure you can easily be contacted by the client or customer. You definitely do not want to, instead, if a business partner ran away because of always hearing a busy signal when trying to contact your cell phone. You can also use the voicemail facility, so that callers can leave messages without interrupting your conversation on the phone.

5. Categorize purposes
Once the paddle, two of three islands exceeded. Yes, as far as possible to minimize your time to get out of 'office'. If you should meet with some clients, schedule it to all be scheduled in one day, alternating from morning to evening, for example. In this way, you can save time and expenses to spend time with them. You too, just need to dress up once, right?

6. Fixed focus
While working, try not related to anyone and anything that can disturb, including homework. Remove all magazines, television, from your work space.

7. Give understanding
When family or friends know your work at home, they'll think you can be free to determine work hours, and may meet with you anytime. You have to speak and give the sense that while working at home, does not mean you can be free to do anything, including talking with them. Say it politely, when you need to finish the job, you can’t be bothered. Might initially seem difficult, but over time they will understand.

8. Match your mood
One plus the value of working at home is the freedom to determine their own work hours. Therefore, use to work in your best moments, if you feel more comfortable working in the early morning, and rest in the afternoon until the evening, certainly not a problem. Or, may also choose to work at night while during the day is used for relaxing. No problem, provided you are able to divide their time well.

9. Make yourself comfortable
A comfortable working space and in accordance with the desire, will make the job can be more easily solved. You may place any item to support the needs and personal comfort. If music or aromatherapy can increase morale, why not add it in your work space? May also occasionally do work outside the home all on vacation.

10. Open yourself
Yes, although doing business at home, you can’t shut down. Take time to chat and share information with colleagues and friends. Create schedule in agenda also to attend seminars or business meetings, especially if the type of business you take on a kind.